SHDesigns: Embedded Systems Design, Consulting and Developer Resources Page hits:

Sample projects

Below are a list of sample projects. These are from only a few clients that have allows the design process to be made public. There are designs for other clients that are not included as the products are proprietary.

There is also a Gallery of boards designed by SHDesigns.

Project 1: Motorola 145428 replacement. A small board to replace a discontinued chip from Motorola

Project 2: Loop Interface. Monitors a drive-through system and reports events to a PC.

Project 3: Small PBX. A single-board telephone system controlled by a PC.

Project 4: Transcription Interface. A large software project for a proprietary telephone and audio interface for a PC.

Project 5: PCI DSP Processor. A signal processing embedded system for a PC dictation system.

Project 6: The development of a debugger for embedded processing cards on a PC system.

Project 7: Auto Monitor Board for a language lab.

Project 8: Conferencing board for language lab

Project 9: Temperature Controller.

Project 10: Digital Signal Processing board for Language Lab Testing

Project 11: Neworked Drive-through timer box.

Project 12: Generac / Gardian 8000W Generator Control board

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