SHDesigns: Embedded Systems Design, Consulting and Developer Resources Page hits:

Z-World does not provide a viable Ethernet Downloader for the Rabbit products.
Others have implemented Network Downloaders, but they are limited.

SHDesigns has implemented a solution that is simple, and is easy to use.

Hits since 3-18-03

Ordering information for the SHDesigns libraries can be found here:

New 4-1-2008 Now supports the RCM4200 module
Also supports the RCM3900 modules.

Note: Does not support wireless, RCM5xxx modules or any other RCM4xxx module than the 4200.

Download and try the Demo: ""

The features are:

An example screen of the download utility is shown below:

The design goal for this library was for a user to be able to walk up to any windows PC on the local LAN. Insert a floppy and run the program to download new code to any or all of the Rabbit-Based systems. Each Rabbit board is identified by name.

If you would like to view the user manual (Adobe PDF) , It can be downloaded here

Unlike the other libraries form SHDesigns, this one is not free. This was a significant development effort. Many hurdles had to be overcome with DC limitations. This library requires more support.

- Dynamic C versions earlier than 7.21 have not been tested.
- Dynamic C version 9.4x is not supported due to compiler and library bugs. 9.52 is supported.
- Does not support PPP or PPPoE connections.


This library is licensed on a per-developer basis. A licensed user will receive the libraries and documentation and will receive free updates. Updates will be available online. There will never be a charge for updates.

The PC utility may be freely distributed. Source is available to allow users to integrate the function into their own applications.

The license cost is $125. Licensed users will get technical support for 1 year.

Purchase Options:

Purchase via the online store:

Purchase order: (US-companies only): Send purchase order on company letterhead with a request for the items shown below to:

Fax: (601) 767-5142
Mail: SHDesigns
5082 Post Road Trail
Stone Mountain, GA 30088-2013.

Check or money order: Payable to SHDesigns in US Dollars, orders sent to above address.

Credit Card: Fax CC#, billing address including zip code, name on card, expriation date, security code and the email address to send the download information to: (601) 767-5142

Be sure to include an email address to send the link and login information to download the library.

Purchase both the Ethernet Downloader and the Serial Loader and save $20.

Paypal and Credit Card: Ordering information for other SHDesigns libraries can be found here:

For questions or more information check out the Rabbit Board at SHDesigns.

For More Information contact: or Call Scott Henion at: (678) 367-3157 (This is not the FAX number!)

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